A Film from homeless people all over the world, this is their story
‘It’s the same all around the world...
You start to notice the homeless more and more.
Usually, you’d pass them without a fleeting thought.
They’d either look at you, pleading with their eyes, or keep their head turned.
They don’t know if you’ll help them or berate them, but, very few even think about them.
One day, we stop and watch them for a moment,
wondering how they’ve ended up in their predicament,
is there hope for them?...
Follow Dan Balcaban around the globe as he explores the myriad of circumstantial
changes that can lead to homelessness.
Join him, as he investigates the many facets of homelessness and shares the stories of those unfortunate to find
themselves in this predicament.
Humanity must work together in harmony if it is to flourish,
and that requires critical thinking and a multitude of questions that Dan asks in his travels. He aims to raise
awareness to a problem overlooked.
Welcome to “Care About Us”,
a feature-length documentary that gives you, the audience a chance to explore these questions and more through the real-life accounts of individuals facing the reality of homelessness in 11 different countries around the globe today.”